Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Computer, New Blog!!

Since I got a new computer for Christmas and I actually have a "G" button now, I want to start writing an actual blog. No real reason other than I am a nerd and I like writing and talking about nerdy things. I used to do movie reviews a lot on Myspace, but since only Mennonites use Myspace any more, I will start this. This is not going to be all movie stuff maybe some music, football, and whatever other nerdy things come into my world on a daily basis. Since I want to start watching more movies again it will focus a lot on movies though, just not exclusively. I would like to actually post once a day, but I'm going to be honest that probably wont last too long. I have a plan to review most of the Batman movies (I did all of the Superman movies on Myspace, and that was fun) and I'm sure football will give me a lot to talk about for the next month, so I should start off pretty strong. Well if you can consider writing about movies and sports with no readers and no money strong then I will start out strong. I hope everyone (both of you) who reads this enjoys it and please feel free to comment or give me ideas for movies to watch.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so excited about your blog! I def enjoyed your old movie reviews I read when we were still in the stalking stages of our relationship and look forward to reading whatever new you come up with. My suggestion is still to right about Alfred's story but I don't think you actually will... oh well, still proud of you for writing, my little nerd, you! :)
