Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Declare, The Sugar Bowl.

So I don't think it is a shock to anyone that I don't have anywhere near the passion for college football that I do for pro ball. I think there are several reasons for this. First off, I went to a tiny D-III school where my football team was pretty much an afterthought. It didn't help that being located in Columbus Ohio, there were more Buckeyes fans at my school than Cardinals fans. I just never had that much school spirit so it never really carried over. I think that College ball is a lot more unpredictable and crazy than the NFL, so I really do understand how people love it so much. I also understand that if you did go to a Big 10 school or some other big football conference that your passions would run really high. I just can't relate.
I think the main reason is that I feel uncomfortable getting as violently angry with college ball as I do with NFL players. Now I realize that the real solution should be "Hey Adam, maybe you shouldn't be a crazy asshole who jumps up and down and throws shit and have physically hurt yourself over a fucking game that you have no control over" and you might be right. However, you can also go fuck yourself because I am not a very emotional guy, and football gives me a chance to get those emotions out. Again, this probably says more about my mental stability than it does my love of football, but again, you can fuck off Sigmund Freud. At least I am recognizing that it is crazy, and I make myself even more uncomfortable hurling insults at a kid that is two years out of high school than I do screaming at the millionaire NFL players that drop passes or miss tackles because they are fuCKING NO GOOD PUSSIES....sorry, got a little out of hand.
Well, go Buckeyes I guess and I am going to watch The Changeling with George C. Scott, so that should give me something a little nerdier to talk about.

1 comment:

  1. i think you should feel free to call college athletes pussies as well. they get paid. your blog rules.
