Thursday, March 31, 2011

Better late than never!

Okay, I knew this would happen, I totally abandoned the blog. Several reasons, I started during the football playoffs and we all know how the season ended and I was in a state of depression for a few weeks and then it just got away from me. I had every intention of doing sort of a Batman movie movie review series, I even watched Batman: The Movie (the 1966 version with Adam West) and wrote a few paragraphs of a review a few times, I just couldn't finish it, and I kind of gave up.
Well, today I was hitting my normal sites and came across this blog and started to feel lazy. I remember reading this when he first started and today he had an article on talking about how he surpassed the 1500 movie mark. That made me feel lazy. Well, even lazier than I usually feel. This guy is actually closer to almost 2,000 movies now so that means he has watched and written about a movie a day for the last 4 1/2 years. I cant even write more than five blog entries. This inspired me to start doing this again.
I think I am going to focus more on just movies and TV since football is gay and might not even be around next fall, and I really don't read comics or watch wrestling all that much. Plus I know a lot more about movies and TV than I do anything else. Literally, anything else. Not that I know a lot about movies and TV, I just don't know much about anything else. I am by no means saying that I am going to watch and write about a movie every day, but I'm going to try at least every other day.
With my apology out of the way, I think I am going to start small. The Batman movie got me to thinking, what else did I love as a kid, but wouldn't even be able to sit through today. Probably a lot of stuff, but I always kind of assumed that I could stomach the Batman show because I know it was supposed to be corny, so I would accept for what it was. I couldn't do it. The stupid plot, the over the top dialog (the writers love alliteration) and low budget all combine to make me stop paying attention a half hour in. But what about stuff I really, really liked? I loved Back to the Future as a kid and I think I like it even more now. I loved Jurassic Park, and while I still like it, I would much rather watch Jaws. I am obviously not going to feel the same way about movies and shows at 29 as I did at 9 or even 19 but would I be able to appreciate these movies or shows on different levels, or would I see it as trash?
Eerie, Indiana was a show that I absolutely adored as a kid. I would have been about 9 or 10 the single season that it aired, so I was just becoming interested in horror and sci-fi. Eerie, Indiana was the perfect mix. It was aimed at kids, but just creepy enough that I could watch it and think I was watching something a little more adult. I wasn't quite ready for Freddy or Jason yet, but watching a show about a kid around my age in a creepy Midwestern town, was right up my alley. I have not seen a single episode of this show since they originally aired but remember talking about it in high school and college like it was still something I would watch, if only those network bigwigs hadn't canceled it. Well now, thanks to the magic of Netflix instant viewing, I don't have to wonder if I would still like it, I can find out for my damn self. The entire series is available to watch and I am going to start the blog back up by watching every episode. There are only 19 episodes and at only 25 minutes a piece, I think I will be able to fit them into my busy schedule at some point. Hopefully this will get me back on track and I can start with some more ambitious projects like the entire Alien Franchise or something even more obscure like Twin Peaks. I promise that I will put up my first review of Eerie, Indiana tomorrow afternoon and hopefully knock them all out in two weeks. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. dude- there is an episode of eerie, indiana with a tornado in it, and i thought it was so awesome. plus, you should get back into wrestling since the rock is kind of back.

